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Recruitment and Open Days in Our School

The recruitment is pending. The parents and children are welcome to visit our school during the week by appointment or during Open Days. We will be proud to show our school, present our aproach and curriculum and answer all your questions.


The recruitment is pending.

The parents and children are welcome to visit our school during the week by appointment. We will be proud to show our school, present our approach and curriculum and answer all your questions.

To find out about vacancies in all the grades and book an appointment, please call the school secretary. We would like to encourage you to visit our school with your child during the week. This is the best occasion to meet our teachers and see the school.

During the visit at our school the parents will be informed about our offer. Your child will be invited for an individual  meeting with the elementary education specialist. During the meeting by the means of games and exersises we will check the childs readined for our school. We will asses physicas, mental and emotional development as well as independence of the child.

The meetings with our specialist will be also conducted  during Open Days. At the same time the parents will be invited for a presentation about the school.

Your child will be invited for a trial day at our school. He/she will take part in the regulal Polish and English classes and will be able to tell you about his/her day.


At the second meeting the parent will receive the results of the tests and will sign the contract in order to enroll the child.


The number of places is limited.


The graduates of Buzzy Bee preschool and their sibilings are intitled to priority enrolment.

During the recruitment proces we do not check the knowledge of English language of your child. It is not a indispensable condition to become the student at the Vancouver School.

Open days

We cordially invite parents and children to the Open Days at the Vancouver School every day from Monday to Friday during the opening hours of the school.
During the visit to our school, you will learn how we conduct lessons in both Polish and English blocks, talk to the principal and get to know our staff. Your child will be able to take part in classes at that time.

Open days - registration form

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Vancouver Schools

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